
In cooperation with associations of translation companies from the Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria, we organise the 3rd MEET CENTRAL EUROPE Conference which is a unique platform for annual meetings of translation companies and translators (not only) from Central Europe.

The 2020 Language Industry Survey - Trends, Expectations and Challenges in the Language Industry is now open.
As in previous editions, it should take about 15 minutes to complete the anonymous survey.

In 2019, the Association of Translation Companies of Slovakia (ATCSK) supported a translation contest called "Young Translator" which was organized by the Department of Translation Studies of Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. This contest was aimed at high school students from Nitra, Trnava and Trenčín regions.

ATCSK in cooperation with associations of translation companies from the Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria has organised the 2nd year of the successful Meet Central Europe (MCE) Conference.

Od 25. do 26. apríla 2019 sa v estónskom Talinne chystá medzinárodná konferencia T-update. Ide o 14. konferenciu Európskej únie asociácií prekladateľských spoločností EUATC, ktorá každoročne priláka účastníkov z celej Európy, ale aj z Austrálie, Ameriky, či Ďalekého východu.

Dňa 5. 3. 2019 sa Asociácia prekladateľských spoločnosti Slovenska ATCSK zúčastnila stretnutia so študentmi na pôde Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre. Pri tejto príležitosti odovzdala dekanka doc. PhDr. Jarmila Jurová, PhD. prezidentovi ATCSK, Michalovi Kmeťovi, ďakovný list.