Annual General Meeting ot the Association

The General Meeting of the Association of Translation Companies of Slovakia took place in Nitra on 15 November 2022.
The Association's Board presented its members with an overview of the Association's activities in 2022. A significant part of the meeting was the unanimous approval of the membership application by Yamagata Europe NV, org. zložka Bratislava. Members also discussed the current situation in the industry and plans for activities in 2023.
They attended was attended by
- - Mrs. Katarína Absolonová
- Exe Localization, - Mr. Rado Tihlárik
- Lexika - Mrs. Eva Dinušová
- Otago - Mr. Michal Kmeť
- Skrivanek Slovensko - Mrs. Katarína Tkáčová
- Tetras - MR. Peter Zoričák
- Translata - Mr. Tomáš Polerecký
- along with representatives of the applicant Yamagata Europe NV.